The Modern Arp table: ip -s neighbor show
While trying to see if my kindle was in the house or not, I got to looking at the arp table, and specifically: Which prints out the table along with some info about the entry being stale or reachable and a few numbers. The man page says nothing, but luckily stackexchange came to the rescue:…
This guide was a great help in configuring my mail server to use DMARC and DKIM – https://www.systemajik.com/implementing-dkim-with-exim/ I run EXIM and have done for years, but recently gmail stopped accepting mail as I didn’t have SPF and DMARC in place. So, to get with the times, I do so. Saving here for future reference.
How C came about
Little bit of abridged history in this article from Arstechnica (https://arstechnica.com/features/2020/12/a-damn-stupid-thing-to-do-the-origins-of-c/). It’s interesting in that you can see why so many common technical aphorisms exist, like the principle of least astonishment Only two years after EDSAC 2 came online, the university realized that a far more powerful machine would be required soon, and in order…
Peter on Peter
Fascinating interview with Laurence Peter of Peter’s Principle fame.
Programming Error
Tip: Removing stale docker volumes
Clean up any stale, unused docker volumes that are hogging disk space: Via https://lebkowski.name/docker-volumes/
Organising People is Hard
Spotify famously (if you’re a student of team organisation) blogged about their squad based approach to engineering team management and delivery back in 2014. It sounded pretty awesome, but as with all these things there’s no silver bullet, and Spotify don’t use this model themselves anymore (if they ever did) according to this article by…